A NEXT for AUTISM Strategic Initiatives Report Written by Candace Weaver-Dowds, LMSW Manager, Strategic Initiatives It is estimated 85% of autistic college graduates are under- or unemployed (David et all., 2023). This is in part due to a lack of tailored support and understanding in traditional workplace structures. Building on principles like reverse mentorship […]
Mentorship Program
NEXT Gen Connect: The “New” Mentorship by Patricia Wright, PhD, MPH, Senior VP, Strategic Initiatives, NEXT for AUTISM
Autism employment statistics continue to be of concern. Many autistic adults are underemployed or have difficulty securing employment. Mentorship is one method to promote employment. A tried-and-true practice of building a professional community and career advancement, mentorship’s main premise is that a mentee learns from a mentor who has more knowledge, skills, and abilities, and […]