A NEXT for AUTISM Strategic Initiatives Report Written by Candace Weaver-Dowds, LMSW Manager, Strategic Initiatives It is estimated 85% of autistic college graduates are under- or unemployed (David et all., 2023). This is in part due to a lack of tailored support and understanding in traditional workplace structures. Building on principles like reverse mentorship […]
neurodiverse hiring
NEXT CONNECTS: A Mentorship Connection Founded on Business
NEXT CONNECTS: A Mentorship Connection Founded on Business NEXT CONNECTS is a bi-directional mentorship initiative developed by NEXT for AUTISM. NEXT matches professionals who have established careers with autistic college students who will soon be seeking entry into the workforce. Mentors will provide support as well as collaboratively set personalized mentoring goals, promote career advancement opportunities, […]
Neuroinclusion in Business Innovation: Jim Hogan TEDx Talk
The imperative role of neuroinclusion in driving business innovation | Jim Hogan | TEDxBrisbane Jim Hogan, Chief Innovation Evangelist, Google Cloud and Vice President, Accessibility in Technology for Google’s Disability Alliance, Board Member at NEXT for AUTISM In this talk, Jim takes us on a journey filled with humour, heartache, insights, and revelations about the […]
NEXT CONNECTS: An Animated Mentorship
NEXT CONNECTS: An Animated Mentorship Success Story NEXT CONNECTS is a bi-directional mentorship initiative developed by NEXT for AUTISM. NEXT matches professionals who have established careers with autistic college students who will soon be seeking entry into the workforce. Mentors will provide support as well as collaboratively set personalized mentoring goals, promote career advancement opportunities, engage […]
Article: Is Your Company Inclusive of Neurodivergent Employees?
Harvard Business Review February 16, 2022 by Michael Bernick Employers large and small are beginning to face a major demographic shift: the sharp increase in the neurodiverse workforce, made up of workers with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, Tourette’s syndrome, and other learning and mental health differences. Particularly, the number of people with autism entering the workforce in […]